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St. Nicholas Church

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Q: We want our child Baptised/ Christened, what should I do?

A: Just come along to our Family Communion service at 10am. Join us on the first Sunday of any month so we can make sure there will be time at the end of the service. We can then discuss, over coffee, your child's Christening and the commitment you want to make.

Before you get in touch, here are some frequently asked questions.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: There is no cost, the Church of England provides them to everyone for free of charge. The church building costs a lot to maintain and heat so any donations to the church are welcome and a collection plate will be passed round during the service.

Q: How many Godparents can we have?

A: Traditionally it was always three. Two of the same sex as the child and one of the opposite sex...but if you would like four Godparents then that's fine!

Q: Do we have to be Christians?

A: Yes! A baptism is a promise to raise your child as a Christian within the church community. If you yourselves are not Christians, or do not want to be Christians we can discuss the details further if you have decided to make contact, so don't worry. Blessings are available for parents who are not Christians, or who will be raising their child as a Christian.

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Knowing Jesus and making Jesus known.

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